MONDAY – Friday- December 5-9 –Unit 1 Part 2
Objective: To acquire listening and speaking skills
Domain: Listening and Speaking
Skills and TEKS: Purposes 6.1 (E), Culture 6.4 (A), Second Language Acquisition/Listening 6.26 (A,C,D) Second Language Acquisition/Speaking 6.27 (B,D,E,F,G)
Resources: Purpose SB/ATE pp. 26-27
Culture SB/ATE pp. 22-23, 32-33
Second Language Acquisition/Listening SB/ATE pp. 22-27, 36-37
Second Language Acquisition/Speaking pp. 26-27, 30-35
Domain: Reading: Word identification 6.6 (C) SB/ATE pp. 22-35, 38-39; WKB 16-17, 20-22, 28
Vocabulary Development 6.9 A,C,D) SB/ATE pp. 22-23, 30-31; WKB. Pp. 16-17
Comprehension 6.10 (A,E,F,G,H,J,K,L,M) SB/ATE pp. 22-39; WKB pp. 20-24
Literary response 6.11 (A,B,C,D) SB/ATE pp. 22-35, 38-39, WBK.pp. 20-23
Text Structures/Literary response 6.12(A,B.E.G.H.J) SB/ATE. Pp. 22-35, 38-39,
WKB. Pp. 17-18, 20-23
Inquiry/Research 6.13 (D) SB/ATE pp. 32-33; WKB. p 21
Culture 6.14 SB/ATE pp30-31
Second Language Acquisition/Reading 6.25 (D,F) SB/ATE pp. 22-29, 34-35, 38-39; WKB pp. 16,25
Second Language Acquisition/Learning Strategies 6.28 SB/ATE pp.22-23; WKB pp.19, 28
Domain: Writing: Purpose6.15 (A, E) SB/ATE pp. 24-25, 28-29
Penmanship/Capitalization/Punctuation/Spelling 6.16 (B, I) SB/ATE pp. 36-39, WKB pp. 26- 27
Grammar/Usage 6.17 (B, C, H) SB/ATE pp. 24-25, 36-39,; WKB pp. 24-27
Writing Process 6.18 (H) AB/ATE pp. 38-39, WKB pp. 24, 27
Second Language Acquisition/Writing (A, B, E, iii, E iv, G) SB/ATE pp. 24-25, 36-39,; WKB pp. 25-27
Domain: Viewing and Representing: I
Interpretation 6.22 (A,B) SB/ATE pp. 26-27, 32-33, 38-39,; WKB pp 19-21
Production 6.24 (A) SB/ATE pp. 26-27
Second Language Acquisition/Viewing and representing 6.30 (A,B) SB/ATE pp. 22-29, 32-33, 38-39
Week of December 12-16
Unit 3 Part 1
Domain: Listening and Speaking
Skills and TEKS: Purposes 6.1 (E), SB/ATE pp. 48-49
Appreciation 6.3 (A), SB/ATE pp. 58-59
Audience 6.5 (B), SB/ATE pp. 54-55, 58-59
Second Language Acquisition/Listening 6.26 (A,C,D) SB/ATE pp. 50-51, 54-55, 64-65
Second Language Acquisition/Speaking 6.27 (B, D, E, F)SB/ATE pp. 46-47, 50-51, 54-57, 60-65
Domain: Reading: Word Identification 6.6 (A, B, i, C) SB/ATE pp.48-55, 58-61, WKB. pp.40-48
Fluency 6.7 (E) SB/ATE pp. 48-51, 58-59
Vocabulary Development 6.9 B,C, D, I, E) SB/ATE pp. 46-51, 64-65 WKB pp. 30-31
Comprehension 6.10 (AC, I, ,E,G,H,K,L,M) SB/ATE pp. 48-61, 64-65; WKB pp. . 32, 34-37, 39
Literary response 6.11 (A,B,C,D) SB/ATE pp.50-61, 64-65; WKB. pp. 34-37
Text Structures/Literary response 6.12(A,B, .I .J, K) SB/ATE. pp.48-49, 58-65, WKB. pp. 34-37, 40
Inquiry/Research 6.13 (C, E) SB/ATE pp. 54-59, WKB. pp. 35
Culture 6.14 (A, C) SB/ATE pp. 50-53
Second Language Acquisition/Learning Strategies 6.28 ( D, F) SB/ATE pp. 48-49, 52-55, 64-65;
WKB. pp 42
Second Language Acquisition/Reading 6.28 (A, C, I) SB/ATE pp.46-47, 54-55, 60-63; WKB pp.42-56
Domain: Writing: Purpose6.15 (A, C, H) SB/ATE pp. 46-47, 62-65; WKB. pp.40
Penmanship/Capitalization/Punctuation/Spelling 6.16 (B, I) SB/ATE pp64-65
Grammar/Usage 6.17 (B, D, G, I) SB/ATE pp.,;54-55, 62-65: WKB pp. 38-41
Writing Process 6.18 (A, E, H) AB/ATE pp, 64-65 WKB pp. 41
Second Language Acquisition/Writing 6.29 (A, C, E, iii, E iv ) SB/ATE pp.58-59, 62-65,; WKB pp.38-41
Domain: Viewing and Representing: Interpretation 6.22 (A, B) SB/ATE pp. 46-49, 52-57; WKB pp38
Analysis 6.23 (C) SB/ATE pp. 46-47
Production 6.24 (A) ) SB/ATE pp52-53, 56-57
Second Language Acquisition/Viewing and representing 6.30 (A,E) SB/ATE pp. 46-49
Week Of:January 2-6
Objective:TELPAS and TAKS evaluation and placement.
Domain: Listening and Speaking
Skills and TEKS: Purposes 6.1 (E), Culture 6.4 (A,B), Audiences 6.5 (B,C),Second Language Acquisition/Listening 6.26 (A,C,D) Second Language Acquisition/Speaking 6.27 (B,D)
Guided Practice
Objective: TELPAS and TAKS evaluation and placement.
Domain: Reading-Word Identification 6.6 (A,C), Fluency 6.7 (E), Vocabulary Development 6.9 (BE), Comprehension 6.109A,B,E,F,H,K,L,M)
Guided Practice
Objective: TELPAS and TAKS evaluation and placement.
Domain: Writing- purpose 6.15 (C), Penmanship/Capitalization/
Punctuation/Spelling 6.16 (B,I,E)
Guided Practice
Objective: TELPAS and TAKS evaluation and placement.
Domain: Writing – Grammar Usage 6.17 ((D,G,I)
Guided Practice
Objective: TELPAS and TAKS evaluation and placement.
Domain: Viewing and Representing- Interpretation 6.22 (A,B)
Guided Practice
Week Of:January 9-13 Monday
Objective: Speaking-Develop oral language skills required for casual conversation. Develop oral and sight word vocabulary for academic language.
Domain: Viewing and Representing – Second language acquisition/Viewing and Representing 6.30 (A,B)
Guided Practice-SB/ATE pp. 2-11, 20-21; WB pp 4-5
Objective: Speaking- Develop oral language skills required for casual conversation. Develop oral and sight word vocabulary for academic language.
Domain: Viewing and Representing – Second language acquisition/Viewing and Representing 6.30 (A,B)
Guided Practice- SB/ATE pp. 2-11, 20-21; WB pp 4-5
Objective: Writing – To acquire know of the TAKS Writing Plan. Writing Process 6.18 (A,E,H)
Domain: Viewing and Representing
Guided Practice: SB/ATE pp. 2-5, 14-15; WB p. 4
Objective:Listening and Speaking – To assess students’ knowledge and comprehension. To acquire know of the TAKS Writing Plan. Writing Process 6.18 (A,E,H)
Domain: Viewing and Representing And Listening and Speaking
Guided Practice – SB/ATE pp. 2-5, 14-15; WB p. 4
Listening and Speaking – SB/ATE PP4-5,8
Objective:Review lessons Monday- Thursday
Guided Practice- Complete all guided practice and grade orally