
Welcome back to school! I have missed each of you this summer…except for Armando & Denis who come to visit me often!!!! They are both playing football and have been attending two-a-days. Victoria will be a senior and is working hard to get ready to graduate. Angela and her family are very thankful to have her dad at home and doing well. Please continue to keep this family in your prayers as Mr. Guillen recovers from his burn injuries.

I hope you have had a restful time and enjoyed being with your family and friends. I have had a BUSY summer. I learned to drive a bus! One of my new roles at WOHS this year will be Varsity Cheer Sponsor and I get to drive the mini bus to away games. Welby is a Varsity Cheerleader and I look forward to my new assignment her senior year. I will also be teaching a new class in Middle School called Teen Leadership. It is wonderful opportunity to empower our children to step forward and take leadership roles in our school, our community and among their peers.

Tomorrow our new school year begins. Make it your best…you are my favorite people and I am very blessed to be a part of your lives.

Parents, I thank you for your support and trust. I take neither of them lightly!
God bless and see you tomorrow.
Ms. J

Personal history: Wow! Do I have some history to share with each of you. I am the oldest living member of the entire White Oak ISD staff… except for maybe Pennie McBride and Jack Hale!!!! They just have to be older than me. Mr. Hinkle looks older…but he is just worn down by time and living in a house with four girls! My name is Billie Jordan and I teach ESL/Language Arts, at White Oak Middle School and White Oak High School. My new assignment is Varsity Cheer sponsor and official mini bus driver!

I am married to the famous Michael Jordan…only he does not play basketball and is not seven plus feet tall! We have been married for 39 years and have four children. Our oldest two, Brent and Ashley, are in Heaven and our youngest girls are Whitney and Welby. Whitney turned twenty in January and is a junior at Texas A&M. She is a bio-medical science major and wants to become a vet. Welby, our baby, turned eighteen in June and is a senior at White Oak High School. She is an English rider, a varsity cheerleader and loves sports. Whitney is horse crazy and brings home all stray animals she encounters! Our lives are very full and it is something different every day. We live on a mini-farm with nine horses. Molly, Mokey, and Piper belong to Whitney. Moose and Phantom belong to Welby. Taco Bueno is our resident donkey. Taco’s best friend is Winston, a wild mustang we adopted off the Nevada range about five years ago. Whitney recently brought two more horses to our home from A&M. Their names are Annie and Teddie and we are in the process of looking for a home for these two young ladies! Add to that mixture, one boar goat, John Tucker, six dogs; Sadie (the one that talks), Annie, Abbie, Templeton, Georgia Brown, Sassy and Charlie the cockatoo and that pretty well rounds out our family!!!! Oh, yes, did I tell you that my mom, MEME, lives with us also. As “John and Kate Make Eight” always say, “…it isn’ t a perfect life, but it is our life…”!

Today is Monday, April 20th. My mom and I spent the weekend at Texas A&M’s Parents Weekend! It was so much fun and we enjoyed visiting with Whitney and her boyfriend Matt. We had fantastic Chinese food on Friday night and cooked for Whit’s youth group on Saturday night. About fifteen young people and their parents came to Whitney’s home for dinner. It was a joy to meet so many young adults and hear how excited they are about life/college! Good families! Great kids! Stong Christians! LATE NIGHTS! Mike and Welby stayed home. Welby had the “Cancer Run” at Spring Hill, Friday night and she and her dad worked and ate at the 4H Crawfish Boil, Saturday night! It will be a busy week! Middle school has a parent information meeting tonight at 5:30 in the middle school library. We have a prom decorating committee planning meeting on Tuesday night in the cafeteria at 6:00. TAKS test are next Tuesday, the 28th of April and before we know it school will be OUT for the summer! To each parent who reads these blogs: I want you to know how blessed I am to encounter your kiddo here at White Oak! We have such great kids! I recently visited another school in our area and realized ONCE AGAIN how fortunate I am to work at this school with these children!!! About five of them just left my office and I am thankful every day for every rotten one of them!!!!! They make my day complete each time they drop by to give me a hug or just say hey! You are good parents doing a GREAT job with you kids! I salute you for your effort! Have a great day! ESL Students: We will be taking ITP Reading and Writing this week so try to be here each day!!! We have recently completed out ESL TEKS and are preparing for LAT Math test on April 27. Parents, please feel free to call if you need me!

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